Some children after epilepsy surgery often face significant challenges in the school environment. They may need help coping with a new and significant visual impairment, struggle with interpreting environmental sounds properly, or need intensive instruction to catch up with their peers.

Ensuring an effective learning environment includes an educational team that has a deep understanding of the functional implications of various epilepsy surgeries. One way to help the team understand the learning implications of various epilepsy surgeries, medications, and medical history is with school training.

Live, Virtual Training About Epilepsy Surgery and Education

Our two-hour, live virtual school training session helps educators understand the needs of children after epilepsy surgery, especially large resective or disconnective procedures like hemispherectomy, single or multiple lobectomies or disconnections, and corpus callosotomy. In this introductory session, we cover:

  • an overview of the parts of the brain and what they do;

  • visual impairments and how they affect orientation and mobility, visual processing, and learning to read;
  • mobility challenges;
  • hearing and listening concerns;

  • common behavioral challenges;

  • issues with cognitive processing;

  • social skills;

  • symptoms of hydrocephalus and seizures.

How to Ask For School Training

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 regulation provide that supports for school personnel can be services provided in the Individual Education Plan (IEP). (34 C.F.R. §300.320(a)(4); see also Official Comments to the Federal Regulations under IDEA, March 12, 1999 Federal Register, (Volume 64, No. 48, at p. 12,593.) You can request school training as respects your child’s unique needs as part of the child’s IEP.

Who Should Participate In School Training?

Our training is appropriate for anyone who interacts with the child in the school environment, including teachers, physical and occupational therapists, orientation and mobility specialists, teachers of the visually impaired, paraprofessionals and aides, and other aligned professionals. This session includes a question and answer session to address the unique needs of the child.

Up to 100 people can participate in each virtual session.


School training is free.


Wi-Fi; appropriate presentation A/V setup in room; computer, tablet, or smart phone.

“The training was outstanding. Incredibly well done given the complexity of the topic. Delivered in a practical way school practitioners could understand.”

“Very informative. The suggested accommodations for the classroom/learning to read were particularly helpful.”

“It was the most comprehensive presentation I’ve ever attended. Thank you.”

For more information about our school training or to set up a session, please complete this form: